Discover this studio founded by Álvaro G. Onieva and Álvaro Mesonero-Romanos, architects from the European University of Madrid. They met in São Paulo (Brazil) where, in addition to collaborating in social projects with the foundation Un Techo Para Mi País, they spent part of the year travelling around South America.

After their return, A. Mesonero studied for another year in England and travelled to Kenya as co-founder of the NGO Kubuka. A. Onieva moved to Santiago de Chile for a year to gain experience in the Plannea Arquitectura studio and later moved to Berlin where he worked in Nieto Sobejano's studio.

Once in Madrid, they worked together in Miguel Olazabal's studio and, after almost two years working on residential projects, they decided found MRGO.

Their entrepreneurial character and appetite for new experiences that makes them an energetic, integrated and balanced team.

Discover some of their collections

La Mamona de Pozuelo diseñado por MRGO Arquitectos
Barbillón Marbella diseñado por MRGO Arquitectos
Restaurante Virrey diseñado por MRGO Arquitectos
Proyecto MRGO ArquitectosProyecto MRGO Arquitectos
Barbillón Marbella diseñado por MRGO Arquitectos
Restaurante Virrey diseñado por MRGO Arquitectos
Proyecto MRGO ArquitectosProyecto MRGO Arquitectos
La Mamona de Pozuelo diseñado por MRGO Arquitectos

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